How Does It Work?
The single most popular question among inquiring visitors. If we’ve done our job right thus far, you should be able to get your laundry professionally done by following the 5 steps.
Step 1) Check if we provide service in your area.
Step 2) Use the on-line booking tool to select a Pick-Up Date and Time then tap “Schedule Now”
Step 3) On the next screen you’ll tell us a little bit about your order and select a corresponding Drop-Off Date and Time
Step 4) Key in your Billing Information, Pick-Up/Drop-Off Address and Place the Order
Step 5) Then Sit Back, Relax & let us serve you.
However; in order for you to fully enjoy the benefit of step 5, we’ve provided a more detailed explanation below.***
Step 1) Check if we provide service in your area.
If you get the “Green” message confirming that we Pick-up in your area, go forward with booking your Pick-Up. Go ahead and check now by entering your ZIP code below.
Step 2) select a Pick-Up Date and Time
The second step in the process, determines whether we are available to Pick-up in your area on the date and time you desire.
Step 3) selecting order details & corresponding Drop-Off Date and Time
The third step is where we began accumulating information about your laundry in order for us to satisfy your expectations. The more information provided the better. However; the most important are the fragrance type as this selection determines the type of detergent used, you’ll then inform us whether you will be including dry cleaning (yes or no) as that may or may not affect your delivery date and time, and of course you’ll then select your desired Drop-Off Date and Time.
Step 4) Key in your Billing Information, Pick-Up/Drop-Off Address, Payment Method and Place the Order
For most residential customers, the billing address and contact info is for the same person and location we are being asked to Pick-up and Drop-Off laundry to. However; for many reasons a customer’s billing address and contact info may be different than the Pick-Up/Drop-Off address and contact info. Among those reasons, are situations where one person is ordering the Residential Laundry solution on someone else’s behalf (for an older relative or as a gift). For this reason, there is an option at the bottom of the checkout page which allows you to provide a different Pick-up/Drop-Off address and contact. After the appropriate billing and Pick-Up/Drop-Off address is provided simply place the order.
Step 5) Then Sit Back, Relax & let us serve you.
After placing a successful order your account will be created, and you’ll be taken to a thank you screen. The thank you screen and corresponding emails, will provide you with additional instruction on how to prepare for your Pick-Up. Once your laundry is weighed (either on the spot or when it gets to our processing facility) you’ll receive an email providing the final cost of service; which will be billed to the card on file. The second most popular question, among inquiring visitors is “how should I provide my laundry?” Usually first-time customers provide their laundry in plastic trash bags. Often the driver will have bags handy to help with getting laundry to the car. So, don’t worry we got you. Ultimately how you provide your laundry doesn’t matter much, because all laundry is returned to you thoroughly cleaned, professionally folded and packed into nylon bags for future use.