Returning Commercial Pricing.

As the pioneer of the industry we have an appreciation for competitive pricing. That’s why we focus on ensuring our solutions are better than a service and that our rates our better than the rest.

  • First Time/On-Call Rate known as our:   “25 for 45 !”
    • In other words, the first 25 lbs. of laundry are covered by $45.00.  The additional weight rate (i.e. the per pound rate for the portion of your load which exceeds 25 lbs.) is less than the per pound rate charged for the first 25lbs.
    • “Tap here” to learn more about commerical products and/or to request a quote.  
  • Returning/Reoccurring Rate

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*Additional weight rate is either waived or lower than the per lb pound rate charged for first 25lbs.

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